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Car insurance is a contract between a policyholder and the insurance company that protects the policyholder against financial loss in the event of an accident or loss. In exchange for your paying a premium, the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as in your policy. In essence, car insurance provides you coverage for; damage…

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INTRODUCTION Hippo insurance is an American property insurance company with its office in Palo Alto, California, USA. The main area of specialization of the company is homeowners insurance. Home owners insurance is a class of insurance coverage that offers protection to the homes as well as the possessions of the policyholders. It equally covers the liability…

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The question about travelers insurance remains one of the various questions prospective Policyholders ask pertaining Traveler’s Insurance. And this is in a bid to find out what travelers insurance means, the desirability of travelers insurance, its scope/coverage etc. WHAT TRAVELR’S INSURANCE MEANS Travel insurance is used to describe an insurance policy that covers risks connected…

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INTRODUCTION Renters insurance in a nutshell has to do with an insurance policy that protects your personal properties as a renter of residential accommodations or commercial premises. Most people tend to use homeowners insurance and renters insurance interchangeably but it is not to be as they are not entirely the same. While renters insurance applies…

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