Meaning of Truck Insurance

Truck Insurance is type of insurance policy that provides insurance coverage for trucks which transport goods in the event of an accident leading to damage to the truck and even the goods it conveys. As we all know, the nature of manufacturing of goods and services in the present day economy has made truck very useful. Thus, truck insurance has become a very important aspect of insurance policy.

Furthermore, the damage to trucks may also arise from other sources such as natural disasters like earthquakes, cyclone, floods etc.

The level of the coverage may include provision of third party liability coverage, property damage cover, personal cover or comprehensive coverage depending on the terms of your insurance policy.

Similarly, in most countries, the third party insurance policy is mandatory for all truckers and this serves to offer insurance protection to policyholders against damage to third parties against property damage or injury caused to them by the insured truck.

However, it is smarter and advisable to buy the comprehensive truck insurance policy which will provide wide range of coverage to you, your truck and to others.

What may be Covered by Truck Insurance

There are items that enjoy insurance coverage by this type of policy and some of them are as stated below.

However, bear in mind that the majority of the coverage you will enjoy from your policy will largely depend on your agreement with your insurer.

  1. Damage to your truck or that of third parties arising from accident.
  2. Theft of your truck by criminals
  3. Damage to your truck as a result of natural disasters or even man made
  4. Third party liability coverage
  5. Personal accident cover for Drivers driving your truck with your permission
  6. Any other coverage as may be agreed between you and your insurance company.

         What may not be covered

  1. Regular wear and tear of your truck.
  2. Depreciation of your truck as a result of use
  3.  Mechanical or electrical problems
  4. Accident from a driver not named in the policy
  5. Damage arising from use over the limitation in the insurance policy.
  6.  Accident or damage that occurs outside the location of use in the insurance policy
  7. Damage or accident arising drunkenness
  8. Accident by a driver without a driver’s valid license.


As you are aware, trucking business has become a huge industry and on the rise daily as a result of more and more people taking to trucking and the increase in manufacturing all over the world.

Similarly, it is as a result of this increase in the industry that has made it very necessary for truckers to buy adequate truck insurance coverage to protect them against the accidents.

This insurance policy provides truck drivers with a comprehensive coverage that covers all manner of risks, ranging from accidents, thefts and natural disasters and as well as third party liabilities.

Therefore, this type of insurance policy is very beneficial to truck drivers and owners of truck.  It is very easy to purchase and relatively cheap.

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