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Unlike other climes, car insurance in Belgium is for the benefit of the car rather than the driver. The implication of this is that anyone can drive your car once you have a car insurance policy. However, third party car insurance policy which provides coverage for damage to third parties and their cars is mandatory in Belgium. It is therefore compulsory that you must possess third party car insurance policy before you drive in Belgium. Thus, all passengers in the car are insured against physical injuries, except the driver under the Belgium law.

However, you are at liberty to take additional polices to cover your car. For example, some car owners take out additional fire insurance cover or even go for a fully comprehensive car insurance coverage. This will usually cover damages to third parties arising from any loss, accidents, vandalism or thefts. However, you can add driver insurance cover to your car insurance. You are also at liberty to add legal protection car insurance policy to protect you from liabilities arising from legal suits and cost by third parties.  When you buy a car insurance policy in Belgium, your insurer will usually issue you with a Green Card and an accident report forms which you must keep in your car insurance policy at all times in case of eventualities.

Similarly, you can also opt for a fully comprehensive coverage for damage to your car when buying car insurance policy in Belgium known as “omnium insurance”, which provides for most incidents such as vandalism, fire, theft, or even damages arising from a collision involving your car. You can also take out roadside assistance insurance with many insurance companies.

Types of car insurance in Belgium

There are three main types of car insurance in Belgium.

Third-party car insurance (Responsabilité Civile/Wettelijke Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering)

This is the only type of car insurance policy that is compulsory in Belgium. It is in effect, the minimum level of car insurance by Belgian law requirement. It provides coverage for death, bodily injury, or physical damage that you cause to another person in an own-fault incident. The coverage also extends to the cost of damage to other vehicles. In essence, third-party insurance doesn’t cover any of your own costs, whether relating to yourself or your vehicle but only to third parties.

Part comprehensive car insurance (Mini Omnium/Mini Casco)

This type of car insurance policy in Belgium provides third-party coverage as well damages to your own car arising from fire, natural disasters such as earthquakes, storm damage, and collisions with animals on the road. It also covers the loss of your car as a result of theft. However, it is worthy of note that this type of car insurance coverage in Belgium does not cover your costs if it is an own-fault accident.

Fully comprehensive (Maxi Omnium/Maxi Casco)

The fully comprehensive car insurance policy in Belgium covers all general costs. This is not withstanding that the driver of the car is at fault. But, were it is discovered that the damage or the accident is intended, then, the policy will not provide coverage. Also, some policies will equally exclude coverage for incidents and items such as legal costs and breakdown assistance which may need to be purchased as additional policies. Fully comprehensive is also the most expensive type of car insurance policy in Belgium.  And it is commonly bought with respect to new or expensive cars, where the cost of replacing the car yourself in the event of an incident would be huge.

Other forms of car insurance policy in Belgium

Apart from the above types of car insurance in Belgium, there are other types of car insurance which we shall discuss and they include:

Legal liability protection insurance 

 This is the type of car insurance that covers legal costs if you are in an incident that ends up in court and you are to pay legal cost to the victims. It covers legal expenses as a result of litigation. Most often, your accidents result in lawsuits and if you are unsuccessful, your insurers will pay the damages.

Gross negligence coverage

This is meant to provide coverage for accidents you cause out of our negligence. This negligence may arise as a result of driving above the speed limit. However, serious offenses such as drink driving and excessive speeding are always in exclusion.

Driver injury insurance or driver’s protection insurance 

This is a type of car insurance in Belgium that is a useful additional policy to third party car insurance policy in Belgium. It operates to cover your personal medical expenses arising from an accident. This is the type that covers costs incurred if you breakdown while on a journey, such as vehicle

Roadside assistance 

This covers towing and replacement of transport costs. It also provides for costs such as repair and replacement, transport in the event of a breakdown while on transit. Most car insurance companies in Belgium offer roadside assistance or breakdown assistance coverage, either as a standalone policy or as part of fully comprehensive insurance. Therefore, always find out from your insurer the class of coverage.

Costs of car insurance in Belgium

The fully comprehensive cover is the most expensive type of insurance policy in Belgium while third-party liability cover is the cheapest. Meanwhile, the following factors affect the cost of car insurance policy in Belgium and they include;

  1. The monetary/market value of the car
  2. Age of the car;
  3. number of  drivers of the vehicle in the policy as well as the profile of the driver(s), their history of driving, age, health, etc.;
  4. The level of driving mileage. That is to say, how much driving is done with the Car in question. This is as a result of the fact that some insurance companies offer discounts on cars that falls below a certain number of yearly mileage.

Car insurance bonuses and penalties in Belgium

A no-claims bonus scheme is the norm in car insurance in Belgium. This is what discounts in your premiums you will get if you are not able to make a claim in any particular year. This bonuses or reward you are entitled to for no-claims periods varies between one insurance Company and another. Usually, the no claims bonus is around a 10% discount after one year and this then rises every year up to a maximum period of say10–15 years.

Similarly, if you have a previous no-claim record in another country, you can bring it with you to roll it over onto your new policy. However, it is not all insurance companies that will recognize the claim-free driving experience you have earned outside Belgium, but those that do offer up a discount for a good driving record.

Car Insurance Penalties in Belgium

Insurance companies in Belgium also apply penalties to policyholders or drivers with a poor driving record. Thus, there is likelihood that your premiums are likely to rise if the following conditions are present:

  1. If you have been involved in any incident as a result of your fault or negligence;
  2. have been found guilty of offenses such as speeding or drunk driving by a court of competent jurisdiction;
  3. if you are a young or  a driver who lacks requisite experience

Car insurance companies in Belgium

They are many car insurance companies in Belgium. Therefore, if you are in need of one, you need to shop around if you’re looking for car insurance in Belgium. You can either do this personally, or you can use a comparison website. You can also engage the services of insurance brokers who will compare the premiums offered by car insurance companies in Belgium and ascertain which is better for you. Some Car insurers in Belgium include the following: AXA, ING, AG Insurance KBC,

How to choose car insurance company in Belgium

When choosing car insurance in Belgium, it’s important to consider a variety of factors other than just opting for the cheapest. You should give thought to:

Company reputation 

This is the most important factor you will have to consider when making your choice. To do this, you will have to make enquiries on what the views of existing customers are like. And what is the rating of the insurance company by their Customers.


This represents the amount of money you need to pay if you are making any insurance claim. In Belgium, this can vary between insurers but is typically around CHF 1,000 for drivers under 25 and CHF 500 for drivers 25 and above with less than two years of driving experience. While others pay no deductibles.

Convenient and easy Claims process 

This is the ability and how convenient it is to make a claim from your insurer. This is a factor to consider because it can sometimes be cumbersome to make a claim in one insurance company whereas it could be easy in another. Therefore, while making a choice of an insurer, you consider how quick and easy the processes of making a claim are. This equally includes if they are other convenient ways of making claims, for example, like processing your claims virtually.

Availability of No-claims bonus 

You will also have to consider what discounts in your premiums you will get if you did not make a claim in any particular year. And equally check if you will be able to transfer no-claims periods from another insurer to a new one?

Exclusion clauses

 You will need to read the policy documents carefully to find what the policy will cover and not. You will equally find out the jurisdiction of coverage. For instance whether your policy extends to driving abroad or does not. And this will enable you know what items you are covered on.

Availability of Special offers and discounts 

You will also need to check out some companies that offer premium discounts in Belgium, for example premium discounts to union members, on electric vehicles, or for paying your annual premium upfront.

Applying for car insurance in Belgium

It is usually not difficult applying for car insurance in Belgium. Applying for car insurance in Belgium is straightforward.  This is to the extent that most of the big insurance companies will even permit virtual applications. This online application makes you able to take out car insurance policy in minutes at the comfort of your homes in Belgium. However, note that the application processes varies from one insurer to another insurer. Nonetheless, you will need to prepare the following particulars;

  1. Your Valid means of identification (ID). This is to prove that you are at least 18 years old
  2. Proof of Belgian address such as through a recent utility bill payment slip and;
  3. The proof that your car is registered in Belgium by the provision of your car registration details.

The moment you conclude buying your policy, your insurer will issue you with a Green Card (European motor insurance certificate) and an accident report form. These documents are very important. Thus, it is advisable you keep them in your car at all times in case of exigencies. For example, if the police demands to the police makes a demand for them.

 Making a car insurance claim in Belgium

In making a car insurance claim in Belgium, you should take the following steps: but note that you should submit your claim within one week of the incident

  1. Fill your accident report form if it is in the event of an accident.
  2. Take pictures of any damage to your car. And record statement of witnesses if any as well as their names and addresses.
  3. Collect the names, addresses, car registration details and Green Card details of all other parties concerned if it is a case of an accident.
  4. Prepare and file your insurance claim with your insurance company.
  5. Get a copy of the police report if any. This will be very helpful in making your claim process easy.

Cancelling a contract of car insurance in Belgium

Generally, you will need to give at least three months notice to your insurer if you need to cancel your car insurance policy in Belgium. This is notwithstanding that most insurers have their policy cancellation procedures. And which normally involve submitting a cancelation letter within the specific cancelation period.

Changing an insurer

In Belgium, a policyholder is free to change his insurance company at anytime. This is provided that it is done through the notice period with your existing insurer. Some insurers elect to do it free of costs for you. This is a part of incentives aimed at attracting new policyholders.

Making a complaint about a car insurance company in Belgium

If you wish to complain about an insurance company in Belgium, you should follow these steps:

Firstly, you will need to try amicable settlement or resolution of the issues with your Insurers.  Insurance companies should have a complaints department where you lodge your complaints and which details the procedures to follow.

In the event the amicable resolution fails, you can take your complaint to the insurance ombudsman who will review your dispute. The complaints are usually submitted in a written form and shall describe your problem and all the necessary details of your complaint to the insurance company.

If the insurance still fails to resolve the dispute, you can proceed and take the dispute to court.


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