Accident means any unintentional and involuntary injury to the human body. It usually results from external cause which affects physical, mental or psychological wellbeing and sometimes results in death. An accident can occur in the course of a professional activity. It can take place during breaks, before or after work. In which case, they are occupational accident. It is occupational if it occurs at place of work or in risky zone in connection to professional engagement. It equally extents to ones that occur on the way to and from work place. These risks are what enjoy the coverage of accident insurance in Switzerland.


Accident insurance is a category of policy that offers indemnity when its policyholders suffer injury or death from an accident. However, accident insurance does not cover accidents that occur as a result of negligence, natural disasters or Acts of god. The terms of the policy may also place limitation on the amount of money in payouts for activities deemed risky. Many insurance companies sell accident insurance policy, which the purchase can be a stand alone policy or together into an existing insurance policy.

Accident insurance policies have indemnities that vary, depending on the seriousness of the injuries. In fact, some policies would categorically state how much would be the pay in compensation.  For instance, the policy may state that the compensation would be to take care of medical care. In the event the policyholder suffers permanent disability, the compensation may be in form of an arrangement to provide funds for the accident victim for life. However, in the event the accident results in death, the compensation accrues to the beneficiaries on the policy.

It is worthy of note that accident insurance is distinct from health insurance. While Injuries which result from extraordinary, external circumstances like a loose tile falling on your head, an insect sting or a fall on the ski slope are classified as accidents. Health insurance entails coverage for illnesses and injuries which result from illnesses. We shall now discuss how accident insurance works in Switzerland.


Accidents frequently occur faster than expected. Switzerland statistics show that 860,000 occupational and non occupational accidents were reported by accidents Insurers in the year, 2019 according to the 2020 statistics.

There is compulsory accident insurance in Switzerland. But whether accidents enjoy coverage of your compulsory health insurance or by your employer’s compulsory accident insurance depends on whether you are under any employment or not. For insurance purposes, accident and health insurances are of different categories in Switzerland. While Injuries which result from extraordinary, external circumstances like a loose tile falling on your head, an insect sting or a fall on the ski slope are classified as accidents. Health insurance entails coverage for illnesses and injuries which result from illnesses. There exists two classes of persons who subscribe to accident insurance in Switzerland and they include;

  1. People who lack sufficient health care coverage. And who get accident insurance as a supplemental cover that will ensure that they will be able to access medical treatment in the event of an accident and ;
  2.  Families who will suffer financially in the event the breadwinner dies in an accident.


It is a compulsory requirement of the Swiss Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAI). The intention is to provide employees with financial protection in the event of work place accident.

By this law, employers are to insure their employees against the consequences of accidents. This compulsory accident insurance in line with LAI will cover costs arising from workplace accidents. And even non workplace accidents or sickness

People you are under the employment of Swiss Employers are to enjoy occupational accident insurance. And which shall cover their healthcare, costs of accidents that occur in the workplace and other occupational health hazards. Thus, such employers are to pay for the premiums for occupational accident insurance of their employees.

Similarly if you are an employee who work more than 8 hours per week for a Swiss employer, your employer must take out non-occupational accident insurance for you. This insurance covers the cost of accidents which occur outside of your workplace. However, the difference is that you are to pay the premiums for the non-occupational accident insurance yourself.


Furthermore, if you are on self employment, you are at liberty to take out employee accident insurance known as voluntary accident insurance. But there is no requirement that you must take out a employment accident insurance. The benefits of these voluntary accident insurance policies are typically similar to those of employment-based accident insurance. However, it is advisable that when you become employed and begin receiving employment-based accident insurance, you have to inform your health insurance provider so that they can place your accident insurance coverage on hold. This reduces your compulsory health insurance premium by around 10%. If you become unemployed or self-employed at some point, you must instruct your health insurance provider to activate the accident coverage.

 Those who are not under any employment but are receiving unemployment benefits are under the coverage of the unemployment office’s accident insurance throughout their unemployment benefit entitlement term. However, while you pay a part of the premium equal to 2% out of your unemployment benefit, the unemployment office covers a portion of the premium equal to 1% of your unemployment benefit.


There are numerous advantages of having an employee accident insurance and some of them include;

1. It covers the cost of medicals for treating injuries including the cost of treatment, eligible medicines and hospital stays. The accident insurance rider extends your health insurance policy’s hospital care. And also medical care coverage to include healthcare costs resulting from accidents. The deductible and coinsurance which applies to your health insurance policy is applied to accident insurance claims as well.

2. A loss of income benefit equal to 80% of your insured salary if your injuries prevent you from carrying out your employment duties.

  1. If an accident results in your becoming disabled, this insurance provides a disability pension. The pension is based on your disability level. The highest pension is reserved for full disability, and is equal to 80% of your insured salary.
  2. If an accident results in your becoming physically, mentally or psychologically impaired, this insurance may pay out a one-time benefit based on your level of impairment.
  3. If an accident results in your death. Your surviving, dependent children receive a survivors’ pension. Your surviving spouse may receive a survivors’ pension under certain circumstances – such as when they have dependent children to care for. Widows and widowers receive a pension equal to 40% of the insured salary. Children with one surviving parent receive a pension equal to 15% of the insured salary. And while fully-orphaned children receive a pension equal to 25% of the insured salary. The combined pensions of all your survivors cannot exceed 70% of your insured salary.


If your employment is less than 8 hours per week, you only get occupational (workplace) accident insurance from your employer. If you are a child, student, housewife/husband, self-employed person or are unemployed and are not receiving unemployment benefits, you are not covered by employment-based accident insurance at all.

 In all of these cases, you can (and must) insure yourself against the costs of accidents by adding an accident insurance rider to your compulsory health insurance policy


  1. When shopping for accident insurance, people should ask about premiums and what types of accidents and events enjoy coverage. 
  2. Get to know the company’s reputation before you buy a policy. This is because some companies cover more than others. And some delay payments until they are sure that a customer really does meet the terms for a payout. For people who need money to deal with immediate expenses, this can be a problem


  1. Car accident insurance is a type of accident insurance policy purchased by drivers to protect themselves and third parties in the event of an accident.
  2. Travel accident insurance policies are ones purchased for protection in the event of an accident while on transit. This policy must be purchased before you embark on your trip 
  3. Customizable insurance plans operate for people who work in particular industries. This class of such insurance can be costly, reflecting the risks to the insurance company. A telephone lineman, for example, will be more expensive to insure than a desk worker).


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